BROKE(N) offers a revealing look at the challenges everyday Americans face in a world of stagnant wages, uneven inflation, and unpredictable government aid. Set in Allentown, Pennsylvania, the documentary introduces a diverse group of a dozen individuals chosen at random who discuss in intimate detail their finances and their experiences with low-wage jobs, skyrocketing student debt, the dysfunctional healthcare system, and housing insecurity.

Length: 88 minutes

Format: 4K 24 fps

© 2022 Tidal Lock Media, Inc.

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“I just wanted my daughter to grow up, get married, have children, and get divorced like everyone else.” - Cher


Half of American marriages end before “til death do us part.” In fact, as societies grow richer and people live longer, divorce is gaining acceptance around the world. This documentary explores in a non-judgmental way the experiences of a diverse group of individuals who have ended their marriages. They share their regrets and advice while offering hope.

Available March, 2023

Length: 90 minutes

Format: 4K 24 fps

© 2023 Tidal Lock Media, Inc.

For additional information, please contact:

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